Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Get Your Dog to Stay Inside the Fence Instead of Jumping Over It!

Get Your Dog to Stay Inside the Fence Instead of Jumping Over It!

As any dog owner knows, most dogs love to run, jump and play.Unfortunately, sometimes this means that they jump over the fence and out of the yard.This can be dangerous for a few reasons, first, there are the dangers outside the safety of the yard, like cars, or possibly other animals, depending on where you live.Then there's also the danger of your dog snagging its collar on the fence as they try to get over it.Needless to say, it's a good idea to ensure that dogs don't jump over the fence.So what are some of the reasons that would cause a dog to try and escape the confines of a nice safe yard?One of the most obvious reasons would be a fence that wasn't adequate to contain your particular breed and size of dog.You can't make the mistake of just assuming a dog will stay in the yard when the barrier is too easy for him to get over.Dogs are naturally curious and want to know what's going on around them.Maybe they saw a cat run by, or maybe they smell a neighbor's steak grilling on the BBQ.Whatever reasons might tempt your dog to venture out in the world, make sure your fence is tall enough and strong enough to keep him inside your yard where he belongs.Something that might motivate your dog to want to escape would be insufficient exercise.If your yard is very small without much room to run around in, your dog will naturally want to get out to where there's more space available for him to stretch his legs and do some running.If your yard isn't very big, make sure you take your dog out on walks every day so that he doesn't get bored, and to wear him out a little so he doesn't get any bright ideas about trying to hop over the fence.Finally, your dog might have an urge to get out of the yard simply because he's lonely.Especially if you don't have other pets, there are times when a dog will feel too isolated and need contact with either people or animals.Dogs are naturally social creatures, so make sure you give him enough attention.By walking him outside regularly, you'll be fulfilling both his social needs, as well as his need for exercise.

Get Your Dog to Stay Inside the Fence Instead of Jumping Over It!

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