Monday, August 20, 2012

Getting Your Baby Off To a Great Start With an Organic Baby Mattress

Getting Your Baby Off To a Great Start With an Organic Baby Mattress

There is a lot of buzz these days about being green or natural.We are finally realizing the link between taking care of our surroundings and our continued health.This trend is one of the reasons new parents are interested in natural, organic products for their baby's nursery.The focal point in this is the Organic Baby Mattress.Is an Organic Baby Mattress really that important?As you well know, not all mattress are created equal.As humans we are very fussy about what we sleep on.And there isn't to many things as important to one's health as proper rest.We realize that this is very important also when it comes to our children, especially our babies.And if our infants don't sleep well neither do we! But we are talking here about more than just sleeping well.We are talking about sleeping safe.As parents we want the best for out children.We usually go out of our way to provide for their needs, many times making personal sacrifices to do so.Never is your child more vulnerable than when an infant.He or she completely relies on you and your judgment for everything.It is only natural to protect you baby every second of the day.Did you ever consider where your baby sleeps? Or more specific, what your baby sleeps on? The baby's sleeping environment is often the most misunderstood when it comes to eliminating toxins.Your infant spends a large amount of the day sleeping.Much of this time is spent in their cribs.And the mattress in that crib needs to be considered in this equation.Many of the materials used in the average baby mattress are unsafe and can emit toxic fumes over time.These are scientifically referred to as VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds).An organic baby mattress is free from these chemicals and compounds such as polyethylene, polyolefin, polyvinyl chloride, polyester, hazardous flame retardants, and even chemically grown cotton.I am not going to go into great detail on all the technical stuff here, my point is that providing an organic baby mattress for your infant has never been easier so why continue to make the same un-informed choices so many others have in the past and are still doing? Do the research.There are literally dozens of manufactures now producing quality organic baby mattresses.And if we as parents continue to demand safer, healthier and natural products for our babies other manufactures will climb aboard and things will only get safer for our children.

Getting Your Baby Off To a Great Start With an Organic Baby Mattress

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