Thursday, August 30, 2012

Difference Between a Pack-n-Play and a Crib

Difference Between a Pack-n-Play and a Crib

When trying to decide on whether to have your baby start in a pack-n-play or crib, I always try to suggest the crib.My reason is transitioning your baby from a crib and then eventually to a toddler bed is hard enough on a parent and child so adding a pack-n-play into the mix in the beginning just adds extra stress.The pack-n-play is very convenient for first time or nursing mothers because it can be placed near your bed and you can easily move your child to the bed with you to nurse in the middle of the night and then back to the pack-n-play without much difficulty.You can also pack it up in the morning and put it to the side so you do not have it out in the way.Having your child start in a crib is always the best solution because it will help them develop a comfort with the crib and they will begin to develop to a consistent sleep pattern, which lets face it everyone needs more sleep in the beginning of parenthood so the more sleep you can help your baby achieve the better off you will all be.A pack-n-play is an excellent buy because it does exactly what it says, you can pack it up and take it with you on your travels and your children can play inside of it and be safe.Some brands also come with changing tables, lights, music and canopies to help your little one be as comfortable as possible.I suggest buying a pack-n-play for trips to grandmas or for keeping your baby safe while you cook or fold laundry but try putting your baby to sleep at night in the crib from the get-go if you can.

Difference Between a Pack-n-Play and a Crib

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