Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Fatigue (The Adult Monster That Keeps Me Awake)

Fatigue (The Adult Monster That Keeps Me Awake)

So the alarm goes off every Monday-Friday at 5.55 A.M.What a horrible sound!!!! I have not even moved a part of my body to shut the damn thing off but my brain is running through all the cruise words it knows and already complaining about getting out of my bed.I feel my body scream, "What are you doing to me? I am still exhausted!" But I must get out of bed drag myself to the shower and start my day.I already know that I will be tired all day long and the vicious cycle will continue until the glorious day we all call Saturday.I spend a lot of my time complaining about how tired I am, not getting much done because I'm tired, having a messy apartment because I am too tired to clean.I don't think it's my fault though.I always find something else to blame it on. "My mattress sucks! My bladder is too small and I have to pee all the time! My mattress sucks! (cause it really does it's sooo terrible).I wake up early and go to sleep late forget about the eight hours that is recommended, I tried but that didn't see to work as well either.So I was so happy to see an article on "Fatigue" in this months Cosmopolitan.I opened to the article and it was like "Hallelujah" was playing in the background.Am I finally going to be able to stop my sleepiness?Holly Phillips, MD says that young people are so into their busy schedules that they form so many emotions during the day."By the time you finally hit the sheets, you're so hyped up that the residue of those emotions that you can't decompress." Phillips thinks it best if some social activities or extra daily tasks were canceled or saved for another time.I completely agree!!! I jam pack my day.When I get out of work I still want to do a million things instead of heading home to my not so perfect mattress and just relax.Also, on the weekends I jump at the chance of leaving my house even thought during the week I don't even want to leave my bed.Maybe taking a day to enjoy my living space and my own quiet time will help with this decompressing problem I seem to have.Stress is another factor that Phillips says can have a play on your energy level."When something stresses you out, your body produces more of the hormone cortisol.Cortisol give you a burst of energy and puts your senses on alert to get your though a crisis." When your stressed for too long too much cortisol enters the body and you can't relax.I think my body stresses out a lot, secretly, because I always feel wound up but too tired to do anything.Phillip recommends exercising, something that I am not so found of but am going to start doing tomorrow actually.When you exercise you feel more energized so I hear so I think I'm going to give that a try as well.Eating healthy is another factor that may cause fatigue.I guess its Bye bye McDonald's, hello veggies!For some people junk food and caffeine like coffee tea and soda could be what is keeping you awake at night or feeling sleepy during the day.You should not drink anything caffeinated around bedtime because your body will be wired.Also, your body goes through withdrawals from caffeine which cause cause you to be sleepy.For the ladies reading this (sorry fellas) when it that time of the month you cannot help but go through the hormonal changes which can cause your body to be even more tired then usual.However, there are serious medical conditions that might cause your fatigue.If you change your bad habits into good habits and your still tired after getting eight hours of sleep see a doctor.You could have anemia or something might be wrong with your thyroid or even insomnia.I need more sleep I know this and everyday I wake up I am reminded.What I need to do is start exercising, start eating better, and stop procrastinating and doing homework late at night.I wonder who else in the world is up at 3 A.M.With me wishing they could fall back to sleep? Who else is waking up at dawn and wishing they had til noon? Who is tired just like me during the day? Let me know what you think is causing your fatigue and any suggestions on how to be more energized during the day!

Fatigue (The Adult Monster That Keeps Me Awake)

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